GPA and SGPA Calculator

Calculate your GPA and SGPA quickly and accurately with GradeGenie. Add subjects, input assessments, and monitor your academic progress seamlessly. Our tool simplifies GPA management for students.

Add or Update Subject


Result Overview

Result Card

SubjectObtained MarksTotal MarksGPACredit HoursActions

SGPA: 0.00

Percentage: 0.00%

Grade: F

How to Use the GPA and SGPA Calculator

This GPA and SGPA calculator is designed to help students manage their academic performance effortlessly. You can track subject grades, add assessments, and calculate the cumulative GPA or SGPA dynamically.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Tool:

  1. Add a Subject:Click on the "Add / Update Subject" section. Enter the subject name and credit hours.
  2. Input Assessments:For each subject, add assessments (Quiz, Midterm, Final Exam). Input the marks obtained, maximum marks, and weightage (percentage contribution of the assessment to the final grade).
  3. Track GPA Dynamically:The tool calculates GPA based on the formula:(Obtained Marks / Max Marks) * WeightageThis weighted average is added to the total, and the GPA is updated instantly.
  4. Review and Edit:All subjects and assessments are displayed under "Result Overview." Click on a subject to expand and view the assessments. Edit or delete assessments easily by clicking the buttons in the table.


Suppose you add the subject "Mathematics" with 3 credit hours. Then you add the following assessments:

  • Quiz: 15/20 marks (Weightage: 20%)
  • Midterm: 40/50 marks (Weightage: 30%)
  • Final Exam: 70/100 marks (Weightage: 50%)

The obtained marks for each assessment are weighted and summed up to compute the final grade. Example Calculation:(15 / 20) * 20 + (40 / 50) * 30 + (70 / 100) * 50
This gives the GPA for Mathematics, which is used to calculate the SGPA by averaging the GPAs across all subjects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How does this GPA calculator work?

The calculator computes GPA and SGPA based on weighted marks entered for each subject. It dynamically updates results, ensuring accurate academic tracking.

2. Can I update or delete assessments?

Yes, assessments can be updated or deleted by expanding the subject row under the Result Overview section.

Grade Criteria

Percentage RangeGrade
85% to 100%A
80% to 84%A-
75% to 79%B+
71% to 74%B
68% to 70%B-
64% to 67%C+
61% to 63%C
58% to 60%C-
54% to 57%D+
50% to 53%D
0% to 49%F

GPA Calculation Criteria

Percentage RangeGPA
85% and above4.0
80% - 84%3.66
75% - 79%3.33
70% - 74%3.0
65% - 69%2.66
60% - 64%2.33
55% - 59%2.0
50% - 54%1.66
Below 50%0.0